Wednesday, November 28, 2012

How A Followup Autoresponder Can Help Your Natural Health Business Clean Up - Even In This Economy

Getting kids to do their chores is no easy job. I've been trying to get my kids to put their dishes in the dishwasher.

Like most things I try to establish here, it took a few months of me calling out, "A., come get your bowl." Or "O., is this your plate on the table?"

Too often I'd just pick up the stray dishes myself, grumbling all the way to the kitchen... Only to reprimand myself once I arrived that I was just keeping the problem going.

And then I'd go back to hollering.

If you're a parent you know part of your job is to teach your children well.

But while we could have a huge discussion about what to teach your children, what rules we want them to live by, there's one thing most parents can agree on...

It takes consistency.

The lessons we learn in life... the ideas that we grasp and hold onto and keep close in our pockets... the ones that we act on... are ones we hear again and again.

And the actions we take are more often than not something that comes as a result of lots of reminders.

This is true for even things we want to do. Not just putting dirty dishes in the dishwasher.

I wanted to go to peach picking at a nearby orchard. But it took several conversations and several false starts to finally get us on our bikes and head on over.

As marketers we've got to put this understanding into our marketing plans.

Especially in this economy...

Helping Extend Your Sales Letter's Reach

See, part of my job as a copywriter is to write a sales letter that grabs my prospect "by the eyeballs" as Clayton Makepeace would say and gets them to buy in one fell swoop.

But while this will happen for maybe 2% of your prospects who read your sales piece for the first time, it won't work for a truly sizeable majority.

But that doesn't mean that they don't want what you're selling.

It doesn't mean that they aren't going to buy what you're selling.

It only means that they weren't ready to move right at that second when they first got through your sales letter.

As marketer Bill Glazer explains, most of your customers are sitting on the fence. In other words, huge profits are sitting on the fence.

And this economy, this is especially true.

Whereas a few years back, people would whip out their credit card with a nonchalant, "What the heck!" and buy something that piques their interest.

Now, each purchasing decision requires deliberation.

And unfortunately, your sales piece isn't the only thing that's weighing on their mind...

Within a matter of days, hours - no minutes! - your sales piece can be easily forgotten. Dust in the wind.

Unless you do something about it...

That's where the autoresponder email comes in.

Autoresponders Make Sure You're Not Forgotten

I love autoresponders. They're fun to write. And they're powerful.

An autoresponder series is a set of emails programmed to go out over an established interval to people who have demonstrated some interest in your product and provided you with their email address.

Usually they've opted in to watch a video or download a report or gotten a free sample in the mail.

They're interested. Their eyeballs have been grabbed. But their heart is still indecisive.

By sending out a series of emails you can continue to nurture your relationship with them and keep their mind on what you offer.

The Ingredients For A Good Autoresponder

A good autoresponder doesn't just sell. A good autoresponder...

· Builds a relationship. By using storytelling and telling more about yourself and your business, you help people to get to know you. And by finding ways to speak to their interests and experiences, you demonstrate that you understand them.

· Reminds them that you have a solution for them that they'll like.

· Reinforces some of the concepts in your initial report or video and then gets them to the sales letter to see more.

· Reinforces the message of the sales letter, helping to move them off the fence in your direction.

· Gets them in the habit of opening your emails and clicking onto your links. Leads them to other content you have on your website. Ultimately it gets them used to your presence in their inbox.

So don't sell yourself short with single-shot sales letters.

Don't do your potential customers a disservice by dropping them cold when they still need convincing, have questions. And don't want to forget your solution.

Set up an autoresponder series.

This is an essential tool for both B2B and B2C natural health companies. Don't leave money on the table.

Oh yeah, and when it comes to dirty dishes? Finally, I'm seeing the results. My daughter just walked straight from the dinner table and loaded her plate in the dishwasher where it belongs.

It took a bit of reminding - but it's working!

A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

Autoresponder Emails - Are Not As Scary As They Seem

The creation of autoresponder messages is one part of building a successful business online that seems to confuse a lot of people. The names and email address that people enter through your squeeze pages, are linked to your autoresponder. Therefore, you will need to make sure that your autoresponder is set up with a series of messages that will automatically be sent to your list.

Although it needn't be, for some reason beginners see this as a daunting task and somewhat scary. As long as you basically know what you want to say, writing autoresponder messages can be a simple task that will just take some creativity and proof-reading skills.

Learn the Basics

The best way to start, like anything else, is learning the basics - which in this case is writing emails. Once you have grasped this, you shouldn't have much trouble loading your autoresponder with quality messages that will get positive results.

What Do You Want to Convey?

You will need to determine what you are trying to do with the email you are preparing to write. This will help you know what you will need to say. Without knowing exactly what that email is suppose to achieve, you likely will end up with a bunch of empty words.

Keep Your Messages to the Point

Merely rambling or wandering away from your point, will quickly turn your readers off. Telling your readers a little about yourself is a good start since this makes you seem more real. But, they don't want to know your whole life story, your family situation, how hard you work or anything like that. The cold hard truth is that most people on your list don't care about you personally. They ultimately care about what you can do for them. If you talk too much about yourself, they will stop reading and unsubscribe from your list.

You Need To Have a "Call to Action"

One of the most important and common mistake marketers make, is not giving a specific call to action at the end of their emails. A call to action should be simple: "Click the link below to get your copy before it's too late" or "Click the link below to find out more." You need to tell your readers what to do.

Although it is true that only a small percentage of readers will get you the response you are looking for, that number will drop off even further if you aren't specific. You should Never assume that the reader knows what you want, and you will get a better response from each message.

Start With an Outline

One of the best ways to ensure you cover all your bases is to either create or find an email outline that you can follow along with. Once set up, you will be able to refer back to it every time you need to write more emails and know that you have a complete message that is both informative and will compel your readers to take action.

Writing emails for your autoresponder isn't hard and doesn't have to be a scary thing for you. Of course if you can afford to, you could outsource this part of your business. Once you have fine tuned well-crafted messages for your autoresponder you should see your business start to grow and make you money on autopilot.

A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

What Is an Autoresponder?

What are they used for? Do I need one for my Internet Business?

What is an autoresponder?

Very simple, it is a piece of software that handles all communications between you and your customers.

What are they used for?

Have you ever subscribed to a list or a newsletter to get an email within minutes asking for confirmation of your subscription? (usually by clicking a link). Shortly after, and from then on at regular intervals, messages will arrive from the person/organisation that you contacted.

These messages are all handled by an autoresponder. Once you set up your messages at the autoresponder site, the content to those that sign up to your list is automatically handled.......You need to do nothing other than create the messages that you want all of your potential customers to see.

Some sites (such as also allow you to create opt-in forms for your webpages by providing some user-friendly templates which can easily be set up for your business.

Autoresponders can also collect statistics on list numbers - subscribed and unsubscribed which gives a clear indication of where the majority of your marketing is taking place.

Do I need One?

Fairly obviously, as your list of interested customers in a particular product increases, you will not be able to manage sending out of emails/ newsletters etc from a personal email account......Just imagine trying to get an email every week to 1000+ customers!!!! You just couldn't do it!

The autoresponder takes all of the hassle out of this and you can focus your energy on building other aspects of your business. Trying to run an internet business without a autoresponder would be analogous to rowing a boat without any oars. No-one who is serious about internet marketing would even think of operating without an Autoresponder

Finding an Autoresponder

Go to a search engine and simply type in Autoresponder and you will receive millions of results. A word of warning...generally you should go for a service that is reliable and has an established reputation. As this is integral part of your business, you need to be assured that you email communications are handled effectively and are reliable. You will need to sign up for an account and usually there will be a monthly fee, but, like any business some costs are necessary to ensure an efficient operation.

So what is a Autoreponder? To summarize an autoresponder is your best friend when it comes to getting your messages out to your customers in a timely manner without hassles!

A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

How to Leverage Your Time With an Autoresponder

As I sit here and type this article, I could be instead typing a message into my autoresponder series. If you do not know what an autoresponder is, these are the automatic emails you have generated when someone signs up for your email list or through your opt-in form.

As I type, I am spending some crucial time in what could be better used. Now think about if you needed to write a message over and over and over again when new people continue to sign up for your list. You would have to log into an account, find the file with the message on it, copy and paste it into a form and email it to a new person. Then you could do it again later in the day or perhaps multiple times a day if your website is pulling some good traffic.

This is where leverage comes from. When you can put in effort one time and have it work by itself with minimal effort on your part, you are using leverage. Imagine just focusing on multiple ways of getting people to your website and not doing busy work. Imagine seeing the same message over and over and over again and going nuts not know if you sent it to everyone. In the long run, this makes life complicated.

If you had a series of messages or training emails you wanted to send out this would make you pull your hair out as you could be sending someone the 1st day message, while others are getting the 2nd, 3rd or successive messages. You would lose track of who got what on which day. You need to make things easier for you.

Having an autoresponder helps this issue as you type your email message series one time and determine how often you want to messages to go out. You can send them everyday, every other day or any way that meets the needs of your business. Suppose you have a new course where you promised new customers a weekly newsletter, you want to make sure that they get their letter every week and not 8 or 10 days later. Setting this up ahead of time will save a large headache down the road.

Most autoresponders will also allow you to send instant messages, called a blast, where you can send a quick message to everyone who belongs to your list. Whether the person on your list has been on for 3 minutes or 3 years, they will get the message. If you have a new announcement for a product, bonus, update, this feature makes autoresponders a necessity.

If you do belong to a list currently, you know that online marketers use this all the time to promote theirs and others courses. The question is why are you waiting to get yours going? isn't it time for you to have a piece of the pie?

A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

6 Tips To An Explosive Email Autoresponder Series

Too many people can get it right up to this point and then everything just starts to fall apart. Inside this article I am going to share with you a few tips, tricks and strategies that are going to get your email marketing driving in the direction that you want it to.

Tip Number One: Make sure that you have an introduction email. Let the person who is reading your newsletter know exactly who you are, what you have done, and why they should be reading every email that you send out to them.

It is important that you establish that connection from day one. It will lead to more people opening your emails, reading your emails and taking the desired action that you want them to take.

Tip Number Two: Make sure that the message that you are conveying to your reader is in-line with what you promised them on your website, capture page or blog. The quickest way to lose a subscriber is to NOT give the exact information that they were promised.

Tip Number Three: Don't talk religion, politics or sex. Unless you are writing a newsletter that is based on one of those topics, your going to lose subscribers that don't have your views simply because those topics will offend people quicker than any others.

Tip Number Three: Make sure you give value. Your subscribers have decided to be subscribers because you promised that you had something that they wanted, so always be sure that you are giving them exactly that. Your list of subscribers is the most valuable asset in your business and if you don't treat it that way it will quickly disappear.

Tip Number Four: Don't be a spammer. Just because you have a list that you are allowed to market your products to for the rest of time, don't market to them all the time. This is very important. Don't make your subscribers feel that they sales tools, they are real people and hate to be bombarded with sales messages as much as you.

Tip Number Five: Make sure that you and your list are building a two-sided relationship. Allow them to interact with you, connect with you and build a friendship. Use surveys, ask question and let them know that you are there to actually help them in some area of their life.

Tip Number Six: Stay connected with them. If you are being consistent in your actions then your list will respond more in every single aspect. They will read more, buy more and appreciate you more as a professional and expert in your niche.

Those six tips about your auto responder series will without a doubt put you light-years ahead of what everyone else around you is doing.

A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

Getresponse Vs Aweber

Chances are, you're probably reading this in hopes to find out whether GetResponse or Aweber is the right choice for you.

Let's face it.. If you are serious about your online business and desire to be successful online, then building your list is the best way to do it.

And GetResponse and Aweber are both of the most popular and reliable auto-responders on the web to do that for you!

As I have used both of the services, I will be showing you what I liked about each one and why I chose the service I currently use.

Now, I could go into detail about the nitty-gritty features of each one, but to save time, I'll just let you Google them!

Now let's take a look at:


GR was the first auto-responder I had every used. Why? Because it was cheap.. I knew that all of the TOP earners in the industry were using Aweber, but at that time, quality wasn't on my mind. (Pretty stubborn right? lol.)

It did, however, have some features that I liked:

Split-testing. As every online entrepreneur knows, split-testing multiple messages to see which one is the most successful is vital to generating success. GR offers up to 5 different messages per single message--while Aweber only allows 4. Importing Messages. GR also allows you to import external, pre-made messages (such as MLSP) through the use of a code that takes maybe 5 minutes. I've never used this on Aweber, however, because I never needed to. lol.


After about a month of GR, no leads, and having to call tech support to figure out how to cancel my account and billing information, I switched over to Aweber--wishing I had done so, sooner..

Here's what I loved from the first time I used Aweber:

Web Forms. I absolutely love the customizable web forms that Aweber offers. (Like the one at the top of this page!) I never liked the GR web forms because of how plain they looked, how long they took to load, and not to mention, there was only 19.. (With my beautiful Aweber forms, I get 1-2 leads/day!) Navigation. Simply stated. Aweber is so easy to navigate, even my dog could do it. lol. As well as it takes you through setting up your first web form and list! Facebook Tab. Aweber has an app on Facebook that allows you to link one of your web forms as a tab on your Facebook Fan Page. (Very helpful to increasing lead generation!) Subscriber Activity. Seeing your subscribers' activity makes everything easier. Especially when it comes to calling them. When you know what messages they have opened and clicked on, you will know their progress!

(I could go on an on about the awesome features of Aweber, but I think you should just try it for a buck and see for yourself!)

  Overall, Aweber blow GetResponse out of the water. For a little bit more, Aweber is definitely worth it. (Not to mention that it's only $1 for the first month!)

Although it only offers 4 split-test messages, that is plenty in my opinion! (And besides, 1 more split-message doesn't surpass Aweber's better features!)

Are you ready to transform your business?

Take action and stay consistent with it!

To Your Success,


A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

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